
A Provider is a convenient interface for connecting to MOI nodes and retrieving data from the blockchain. With the providers module, developers can choose from various MOI providers such as Voyage to establish a connection with the MOI network.

The Provider class abstracts away the complexities of interacting directly with the MOI network and provides a consistent and straightforward API for retrieving blockchain data. Whether it’s querying account balances, interaction history, or logic information, the providers module simplifies the process of connecting to MOI nodes and fetching data, making it easier for developers to build applications that interact with the MOI network.



The InteractionInfo interface represents information about an interaction. It has the following properties:

  • nonce - string: The nonce value.

  • type - string: The type of the interaction.

  • sender - string: The sender of the interaction.

  • receiver - string: The receiver of the interaction.

  • cost - string: The cost of the interaction.

  • fuel_price - string: The fuel price for the interaction.

  • fuel_limit - string: The fuel limit for the interaction.

  • input - string: The input data for the interaction.

  • hash - string: The hash of the interaction.


The Content interface represents ixpool information. It has the following properties:

  • pending - Map<string, Map<number | bigint, InteractionInfo>>: A map representing pending interactions in the ixpool.

  • queued - Map<string, Map<number | bigint, InteractionInfo>>: A map representing queued interactions in the ixpool.


The ContentFrom interface represents ixpool information based on the sender. It has the following properties:

  • pending - Map<number | bigint, InteractionInfo>: A map representing pending interactions in the ixpool belonging to a specific sender.

  • queued - Map<number | bigint, InteractionInfo>: A map representing queued interactions in the ixpool belonging to a specific sender.


The Status interface represents the status of ixpool. It has the following properties:

  • pending - number | bigint: The number or bigint value representing the number of pending interactions in ixpool.

  • queued - number | bigint: The number or bigint value representing the number of queued interactions in ixpool.


The WaitTime interface represents ixpool wait time information. It has the following properties:

  • expired - boolean: A boolean indicating if the wait time has expired.

  • time - number | bigint: The number or bigint value representing the wait time.


The Inspect interface represents ixpool inspection information. It has the following properties:

  • pending - Map<string, Map<string, string>>: A map representing the pending interactions in ixpool.

  • queued - Map<string, Map<string, string>>: A map representing the queued interactions in ixpool.

  • wait_time - Map<string, WaitTime>: A map representing the wait times of each account in ixpool.


The Options interface represents the tesseract options. It has the following properties:

  • tesseract_number (optional) - number: The Tesseract number.

  • tesseract_hash (optional) - string: The Tesseract hash.


The ContextInfo interface represents information about the context. It has the following properties:

  • behaviour_nodes - string[]: An array of strings representing behavior nodes.

  • random_nodes - string[]: An array of strings representing random nodes.

  • storage_nodes - string[]: An array of strings representing storage nodes.


The TDUBase interface represents the base structure for TDU (Total Digital Utility). It has the following properties:

  • asset_id - string: The asset id.


The TDU interface extends TDUBase and represents a Total Digital Utility. It has the following additional property:

  • amount - number | bigint: The amount associated with the asset id.


The AccountState interface represents the state of an account. It has the following properties:

  • nonce - string: The nonce value.

  • acc_type - number: The account type.

  • balance - string: The account balance.

  • asset_approvals - string: The asset approvals.

  • context_hash - string: The context hash.

  • storage_root - string: The storage root.

  • logic_root - string: The logic root.

  • file_root - string: The file root.


The AccountMetaInfo interface represents meta-information about an account. It has the following properties:

  • type - number: The account type.

  • address - string: The account address.

  • height - string: The account height.

  • tesseract_hash - string: The Tesseract hash.

  • lattice_exists - boolean: Indicates whether a lattice exists for the account.

  • state_exists - boolean: Indicates whether a state exists for the account.


The AccSyncStatus interface encapsulates information about account synchronization. It includes the following properties:

  • current_height - string: The current tesseract height.

  • expected_height - string: The expected tesseract height.

  • is_primary_sync_done - boolean: Indicates whether the primary sync is completed.


The NodeSyncStatus interface encapsulates information about node synchronization. It includes the following properties:

  • total_pending_accounts - string: The total no of unsynced accounts.

  • is_principal_sync_done - boolean: Indicates whether the principal sync is completed.

  • principal_sync_done_time - string: The time at which principal sync got completed.

  • is_initial_sync_done - boolean: Indicates whether the initial sync is completed.


The SyncStatus interface represents synchronization status information of an account and it’s nodes. It has the following properties:

  • acc_sync_status - AccSyncStatus: The account sync information.

  • node_sync_status - NodeSyncStatus | null: The node sync information.


The InteractionRequest interface represents a signed interaction request. It has the following properties:

  • ix_args - string: The encoded interaction parameters.

  • signature - string: The signature for the interaction.


The InteractionResponse interface represents a response to an interaction. It has the following properties:

  • hash - string: The hash of the interaction.

  • wait - function: A function that returns a promise for the interaction receipt after waiting for a specified timeout.

  • result - function: A function that returns a promise for the result of the interaction after waiting for a specified timeout.


The InteractionCallResponse interface represents a response to an interaction. It has the following properties:

  • receipt - InteractionReceipt: The receipt of the interaction.

  • result - function: A function that returns the result of an interaction.


The StateHash interface represents state hash information. It has the following properties:

  • address - string: The address associated with the state hash.

  • hash - string: The state hash value.


The ContextHash interface represents context hash information. It has the following properties:

  • address - string: The address associated with the context hash.

  • hash - string: The context hash value.


The InteractionReceipt interface represents a receipt for an interaction. It has the following properties:

  • ix_type - string: The type of the interaction.

  • ix_hash - string: The hash of the interaction.

  • status - number: The status of the interaction.

  • fuel_used - string: The amount of fuel used for the interaction.

  • participants - Participant[]: The participants involved in the interaction.

  • extra_data - AssetCreationReceipt | AssetMintOrBurnReceipt | LogicDeployReceipt | LogicInvokeReceipt | null: Additional data specific to the interaction type or null.

  • from - string: The sender of the interaction.

  • to - string: The receiver of the interaction.

  • ix_index - string: The index of the interaction.

  • ts_hash - string: The hash of the tesseract.


The AssetInfo interface represents information about an asset. It has the following properties:

  • symbol - string: The symbol of the asset.

  • operator - string: The operator of the asset.

  • supply - string: The supply of the asset.

  • dimension - string: The dimension of the asset.

  • standard - string: The standard of the asset.

  • is_logical - boolean: Indicates whether the asset is logical.

  • is_stateful - boolean: Indicates whether the asset is stateful.

  • logic_id (optional) - string: The ID of the logic associated with the asset (if applicable).


The Registry interface represents registry information. It has the following properties:

  • asset_id - string: The ID of the asset in the registry.

  • asset_info - AssetInfo: Information about the asset in the registry.


The Filter interface represents a filter with a unique identifier. It has the following properties:

  • id - string: The unique identifier for the filter.


The FilterDeletionResult interface represents the result of a deletion operation. It has the following properties:

  • status - boolean: Indicates whether the deletion was successful (true) or not (false).


The NodeInfo interface represents information about a node. It has the following property:

  • krama_id - string: The krama id associated with the node.


The ConnectionsInfo interface provides information about connections and active pub-sub topics. It consists of the following properties:

  • connections - A list of connections, each containing:
    • peer_id - string: The ID of the peer associated with the connection.

    • streams - A list of streams, each containing:
      • protocol - string: The protocol of the stream.

      • direction - number: The direction of the stream.

  • inbound_conn_count - number: The count of inbound connections.

  • outbound_conn_count - number: The count of outbound connections.

  • active_pub_sub_topics - A dictionary where the keys are topic strings and the values are numbers representing the count of active connections for each topic.


The AssetCreatePayload interface represents a payload for creating an asset. It has the following properties:

  • symbol - string: The symbol of the asset.

  • supply - number | bigint: The supply of the asset.

  • standard - AssetStandard: The asset standard (optional).

  • dimension - number: The dimension of the asset (optional).

  • is_stateful - boolean: Indicates whether the asset is stateful (optional).

  • is_logical - boolean: Indicates whether the asset is logical (optional).

  • logic_payload - LogicPayload: The payload for the associated logic (optional).


The AssetMintOrBurnPayload interface represents a payload for minting or burning an asset. It has the following properties:

  • asset_id - string: The ID of the asset.

  • amount - number | bigint: The amount to mint or burn.


The LogicPayload interface represents a payload for logic deployment or invokation. It has the following properties:

  • logic_id - string: The ID of the logic (optional).

  • callsite - string: The callsite for the logic execution.

  • calldata - Uint8Array: The calldata for the logic execution.

  • manifest - Uint8Array: The encoded manifest to deploy (optional).


The InteractionPayload type represents a payload for an interaction. It can be one of the following types: AssetCreatePayload, AssetMintOrBurnPayload, or LogicPayload.


The InteractionObject interface represents an interaction object. It has the following properties:

  • type - IxType: The type of the interaction.

  • nonce - number | bigint: The nonce value (optional).

  • sender - string: The sender of the interaction (optional).

  • receiver - string: The receiver of the interaction (optional).

  • payer - string: The payer of the interaction (optional).

  • transfer_values - Map<string, number | bigint>: Transfer values associated with the interaction (optional).

  • perceived_values - Map<string, number | bigint>: Perceived values associated with the interaction (optional).

  • fuel_price - number | bigint: The fuel price for the interaction.

  • fuel_limit - number | bigint: The fuel limit for the interaction.

  • payload - InteractionPayload: The payload of the interaction (optional).


The CallorEstimateIxObject interface extends InteractionObject and represents an interaction object. It has the following properties:

  • nonce - number | bigint: The nonce value.

  • sender - string: The sender of the interaction.


The WsReconnectOptions interface represents options for websocket reconnection. It has the following properties:

  • auto - boolean: Specifies if automatic reconnection should be enabled (optional).

  • delay - number: The delay duration in milliseconds between reconnection attempts (optional).

  • maxAttempts - number: The maximum number of reconnection attempts (optional).

  • onTimeout - boolean: Specifies whether the reconnection attempts should be triggered on timeout (optional).


The WebsocketProviderOptions interface represents options for a websocket provider. It has the following properties:

  • host - string: The host of the websocket connection (optional).

  • timeout - number: The timeout value for the connection (optional).

  • reconnect - any: Reconnection options for the websocket connection (optional).

  • reconnectDelay - number: The delay duration for reconnection attempts (optional).

  • reconnectOptions - WsReconnectOptions: Additional options for reconnection (optional).

  • headers - any: Custom headers for the websocket connection (optional).

  • protocol - string: The protocol to be used for the connection (optional).

  • clientConfig - object: Configuration options for the websocket client (optional).

  • requestOptions - any: Additional options for the websocket connection request (optional).

  • origin - string: The origin for the websocket connection (optional).


Important: Please note that the current version of js-moi-sdk only supports the reconnectOptions property of WebsocketProviderOptions. Other properties may not be available or functional in the current version.

Abstract Provider

AbstractProvider is an abstract class that defines the common interface and methods for all providers. It serves as a blueprint for other provider classes, enforcing consistent behavior and standardizing the processing of input arguments, output results, and event tracking within an environment where network consistency is achieved gradually.

Base Provider

A BaseProvider is a subclass of AbstractProvider and acts as a fundamental building block for other subclasses. The BaseProvider class promotes code reusability and modularity by defining common methods and attributes. It facilitates the development of provider classes with a cohesive and consistent approach, reducing redundancy and enhancing maintainability.

Account Methods

getBalance(address, assetId, options)

Retrieves the balance of the specified address for the given asset id.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the balance.

  • assetId (string) – The asset id for which to retrieve the balance.

  • options (Options) – The tesseract options. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<(number|bigint)> – A Promise that resolves to the balance as a number or bigint.

getContextInfo(address, options)

Retrieves the context information for the specified address.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the context information.

  • options (Options) – The tesseract options. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<ContextInfo> – A Promise that resolves to the context information.

getTDU(address, options)

Retrieves the TDU (Total Digital Utility) for the specified address.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the TDU.

  • options (Options) – The tesseract options. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<Array.<TDU>> – A Promise that resolves to the TDU object.


Retrieves the interaction information for the specified interaction hash.

  • ixHash (string) – The hash of the interaction to retrieve.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<Interaction> – A Promise that resolves to the interaction information.

getInteractionByTesseract(address, options, ix_index)

Retrieves the interaction information for the specified address and tesseract options.

If only tesseract options are provided, the address parameter can be omitted.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the interaction. Omit if using only tesseract options.

  • options (Object) – The tesseract options. Should be an object with either ‘tesseract_number’ or ‘tesseract_hash’. (optional)

  • ix_index (number|undefined) – The index of the interaction to retrieve. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<Interaction> – A Promise that resolves to the interaction information.


// Retrieve interaction by address and tesseract options
provider.getInteractionByTesseract('0x55425876a7bdad21068d629e290b22b564c4f596fdf008db47c037da0cb146db', { tesseract_number: 0 }, 1)
// Retrieve interaction by tesseract options only
provider.getInteractionByTesseract({ tesseract_hash: '0xf1e6274efa43da9fecbb7e970be4b37e6f8f4e66eea7e323a671f02ef7a5e001' }, 2)
getInteractionCount(address, options)

Retrieves the total number of interactions for the specified address.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the interaction count.

  • options (Options) – The tesseract options. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<(number|bigint)> – A Promise that resolves to the number of interactions as a number or bigint.


Retrieves the total number of interactions for the specified address, including the pending interactions in IxPool.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the pending interaction count.


Error if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<(number|bigint)> – A Promise that resolves to the number of pending interactions as a number or bigint.

getAccountState(address, options)

Retrieves the account state for the specified address.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the account state.

  • options (Options) – The tesseract options. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<AccountState> – A Promise that resolves to the account state.


Retrieves the account meta information for the specified address.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the account meta information.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<AccountMetaInfo> – A Promise that resolves to the account meta information.


Retrieves the content from a specific address.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the content.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<ContentFrom> – A Promise that resolves to the content information.


Retrieves the wait time for a specific account in ixpool.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the wait time.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<(number|bigint)> – A promise that resolves to the wait time (in seconds) as a number or bigint.

getTesseract(address, with_interactions, options)

Retrieves a Tesseract for a specific address or tesseract hash.

  • address (string|boolean) – The address for which to retrieve the Tesseract or a boolean indicating whether to include interactions.

  • with_interactions (boolean|Options) – A boolean value indicating whether to include interactions in the Tesseract.

  • options (Options|undefined) – The tesseract options. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<Tesseract> – A promise that resolves to the Tesseract.


// Retrieve Tesseract by address with interactions and options
provider.getTesseract('0x55425876a7bdad21068d629e290b22b564c4f596fdf008db47c037da0cb146db', true, { tesseract_number: '0' })
// Retrieve Tesseract by tesseract hash with interactions and options
provider.getTesseract(true, { tesseract_hash: '0xf1e6274efa43da9fecbb7e970be4b37e6f8f4e66eea7e323a671f02ef7a5e001' })
getLogicIds(address, options)

Retrieves the logic id’s associated with a specific address.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the logic id’s.

  • options (Options) – The tesseract options. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<Array.<string>> – A Promise that resolves to an array of logic id’s.

getRegistry(address, options)

Retrieves the registry for a specific address.

  • address (string) – The address for which to retrieve the registry.

  • options (Options) – The tesseract options. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<Registry> – A Promise that resolves to the registry.


Retrieves the synchronization status for a specific account.

  • address (string|undefined) – The address for which to retrieve the synchronization status.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<SyncStatus> – A Promise that resolves to the synchronization status.

Execution Methods, options)

Handles the interaction without modifying the account’s current state.

  • ixObject (CallorEstimateIxObject) – The interaction object.

  • options (CallorEstimateOptions) – The interaction options. (optional)


Error – if there’s an issue executing the RPC call or processing the response.


Promise.<InteractionCallResponse> – A Promise resolving to the interaction call response.

BaseProvider.estimateFuel(ixObject, options)

Estimates the amount of fuel required for processing the interaction.

  • ixObject (CallorEstimateIxObject) – The interaction object.

  • options (CallorEstimateOptions) – The interaction options. (optional)


Error – if there’s an issue executing the RPC call or processing the response.


Promise.<(number|bigint)> – A Promise resolving to the estimated fuel amount.


Sends an interaction request.

  • ixObject (InteractionRequest) – The interaction request object.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call or processing the response.


Promise.<InteractionResponse> – A Promise that resolves to the interaction response.

Query Methods

getAssetInfoByAssetID(assetId, options)

Retrieves the asset information for a specific asset id.

  • assetId (string) – The asset id for which to retrieve the asset information.

  • options (Options) – The tesseract options. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<AssetInfo> – A Promise that resolves to the asset information.


Retrieves the interaction receipt for a specific interaction hash.

  • ixHash (string) – The hash of the interaction for which to retrieve the receipt.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<InteractionReceipt> – A Promise that resolves to the interaction receipt.

getStorageAt(logicId, storageKey, address, options)

Retrieves the storage entry corresponding to a specific storage key and logic id.

  • logicId (string) – The logic id for which to retrieve the storage value.

  • storageKey (string) – The storage key for which to retrieve the value.

  • address (string) – The address related to the storage key (optional).

  • options (Options) – The tesseract options. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<string> – A Promise that resolves to the storage value as a string.


// Retrieve storage value by logic id, storage key and address
provider.getStorageAt('logicId123', '0x7890..', '0xb456..')
// Retrieve storage value by logic id, storage key, address and options
provider.getStorageAt('logicId123', '0x7890..', '0xb456..', { from: '0xb456..' })
// Retrieve storage value by logic id, storage key, and options
provider.getStorageAt('logicId123', '0x7890..', { from: '0xb456..' })
getLogicManifest(logicId, encoding, options)

Retrieves the logic manifest for a specific logic id.

  • logicId (string) – The logic id for which to retrieve the logic manifest.

  • encoding (Encoding) – The encoding format of the manifest.

  • options (Options) – The tesseract options. (optional)


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call or processing the response.


Promise.<(string|LogicManifest.Manifest)> – A Promise that resolves to the logic manifest as a POLO encode string or a parsed JSON object.


Retrieves all the interactions that are pending for inclusion in the next Tesseract(s) or are scheduled for future execution.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call or processing the response.


Promise.<Content> – A Promise that resolves to the content of the interaction pool.


Retrieves the total number of pending and queued interactions in the interaction pool.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call or processing the response.


Promise.<Status> – A Promise that resolves to the status of the interaction pool.


Retrieves all the interactions that are pending for inclusion in the next Tesseract(s) or are scheduled for future execution. Additionally, it provides a list of all the accounts in the ixpool with their respective wait times. This method is particularly useful for developers, as it can help them quickly review interactions in the pool and identify any potential issues.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call or processing the response.


Promise.<Inspect> – A Promise that resolves to the inspection data of the interaction pool.


Retrieves the list of peers connected to the specific moipod.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call or processing the response.


Promise.<Array.<string>> – A Promise that resolves to the list of peers.


Retrieves the version of the connected network.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call or processing the response.


Promise.<string> – A Promise that resolves to the network version as a string.


Retrieves detailed information about the connected node.


Error – if there is an error executing the RPC call or processing the response.


Promise.<NodeInfo> – A Promise that resolves to an object containing node information.


Initializes a filter for retrieving newly detected terreracts. The filter setup triggers a 1-minute timeout period, and with each subsequent query, the timeout is reset to 1 minute.


Error – Throws an error if there is an issue executing the RPC call.


Promise.<Filter> – An object containing the filter id for the NewTesseractFilter.


Initiates a filtering mechanism to fetch recently identified tesseracts associated with a specific account. The filter setup triggers a 1-minute timeout period, and with each subsequent request, the timeout is reset to 1 minute.

  • address (string) – The address of the target account for which new tesseracts are filtered.


Error – Throws an error if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<Filter> – An object containing the filter id for the NewTesseractFilter.


Initiates a filtering mechanism to fetch recently identified pending interaction. The filter setup triggers a 1-minute timeout period, and with each subsequent request, the timeout is reset to 1 minute.


Error – Throws an error if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<Filter> – A object containing the Filter ID for PendingIxnsFilter


Retrieves all filter changes since the last poll.

The specific result varies depending on the type of filter used.

  • filter (Filter) – The filter object for which changes are to be retrieved.


Error – Throws an error if there is an issue executing the RPC call.


Promise.<T> – A promise that resolves to an object containing information about the changes made to the specified filter since the last poll. The structure of the object is determined by the type of filter provided.


Asynchronously removes the filter and returns a Promise that resolves to a object. The object has a status property, which is true if the filter is successfully removed, otherwise false.


Error – Throws an error if there is an error executing the RPC call.


Promise.<FilterDeletionResult> – A Promise that resolves to an object with a status property indicating the success of the filter removal.

Event Methods

on(eventName, listener)

Adds an event listener for the specified event.

  • eventName (EventType) – The name of the event to listen to.

  • listener (Listener) – The listener function to be called when the event is emitted.


The instance of the class to allow method chaining.

off(eventName, listener)

Removes an event listener for the specified event. If no listener is specified, removes all listeners for the event.

  • eventName (EventType) – The name of the event to remove the listener from.

  • listener (Listener) – The listener function to remove. If not provided, removes all listeners for the event.


The instance of the class to allow method chaining.

once(eventName, listener)

Adds a one-time event listener for the specified event.

  • eventName (EventType) – The name of the event to listen to.

  • listener (Listener) – The listener function to be called when the event is emitted.


The instance of the class to allow method chaining.


Returns an array of listeners for the specified event.

  • eventName (EventType) – The name of the event.


An array of listeners for the event.


Returns the number of listeners for the specified event.

  • eventName (EventType) – The name of the event.


number – The number of listeners for the event.


Removes all listeners for the specified event. If no event is specified, removes all listeners for all events.

  • eventName (EventType) – The name of the event to remove all listeners from.


The instance of the class to allow method chaining.

Json Rpc Provider

The JsonRpcProvider is a subclass of BaseProvider it facilitates interaction with MOI nodes using the JSON-RPC protocol. It offers a flexible interface to send HTTP (or HTTPS) requests and retrieve data from the blockchain.

// Example
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider("http://localhost:1600");



// Example
const address  = "0xf350520ebca8c09efa19f2ed13012ceb70b2e710241748f4ac11bd4a9b43949b";
const options = {
    tesseract_number: 1
const tesseract = await provider.getTesseract(address, true, options);

// Output:
        "header": {
            "address": "0xf350520ebca8c09efa19f2ed13012ceb70b2e710241748f4ac11bd4a9b43949b",
            "prev_hash": "0x034e75e7d8b2910004e70d6d45157166e87fb1d47485248edf8919108179307e",
            "height": "0x1",
            "fuel_used": "0x64",
            "fuel_limit": "0x3e8",
        "body": {
            "state_hash": "0x82543da922babd1c32b4856edd44a4bf5881edc3714cfe90b6d1576e00164aee",
            "context_hash": "0xa1058908a4db1594632be49790b24211cd4920a0f27b3d2b876808f910b3e320",
            "interaction_hash": "0x8aab5bc0817393d2ea163482c13ccc0f8f3e01cef0c889b8b3cffb51e4d76894",
            "receipt_hash": "0x3e35a1f481df15da518ef6821f7b6f340f74f4f9c3f3eb30b15944ffea144f75",
        "ixns": [
                "type": 3,
                "nonce": "0x0",
                "sender": "0xf350520ebca8c09efa19f2ed13012ceb70b2e710241748f4ac11bd4a9b43949b",
                "receiver": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "payer": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "hash": "0x7750a0f1c848e05f1e52204e464af0d9d2f06470117e9187bb3643216c4c4ee9"
        "seal": "0x0460afdac7733765afa6410e58ebe0d69d484dfe021fba989438c51c69c078d6677446f179176681f005c0d755979bf81c090e02fdf8544bc618463e86c2778b7764b90c813f58a5965a47c5572bcf5784743e4c6c425e4bfa0f18b043e9aff21183",
        "hash": "0xd343a7336df38590b47e5b20cb65940f463c358a08cded7af7cd6cde63a5575f"

Context Info

// Example
const address = "0xf350520ebca8c09efa19f2ed13012ceb70b2e710241748f4ac11bd4a9b43949b"
const contextInfo = await provider.getContextInfo(address)

// Output
        "behaviour_nodes": [
        "random_nodes": [],
        "storage_nodes": []

WebSocket Provider

The WebSocketProvider is a subclass of BaseProvider that enables interaction with MOI nodes using the WebSocket protocol. It provides a flexible interface for sending and receiving data from the blockchain in real-time.

Using WebSocket, the provider establishes a persistent connection with the MOI node, allowing for efficient and continuous communication. This is particularly useful for applications requiring real-time updates or streaming data from the blockchain.

The WebSocketProvider offers similar functionality as the JsonRpcProvider but operates over WebSocket instead of HTTP or HTTPS. It allows for subscribing to specific events or filters, receiving instant notifications when relevant data changes on the blockchain.

The MOI protocol has incorporated support for invoking JSON-RPC methods over a WebSocket connection, facilitating real-time interaction with the blockchain.

// Example
const provider = new WebSocketProvider("ws://localhost:1600/ws", {
    reconnectOptions: {
        auto: true,
        delay: 5000,
        maxAttempts: 50

WebSocket Events

The event’s listed below are related to the WebSocketProvider itself and its connection status and operation. These are not specific to blockchain data.

CONNECT - This event is triggered when the WebSocketProvider successfully establishes a connection with the MOI node. It indicates that the WebSocket connection has been established and is ready for sending and receiving data.

RECONNECT - This event occurs when the WebSocketProvider attempts to reconnect to the MOI node after a disconnection.

CLOSE - This event is emitted when the WebSocket connection is closed intentionally or due to an error. It provides information about the reason for the closure, such as a manual disconnection or a network failure.

DEBUG - This event is primarily used for debugging purposes. It provides additional information or logs related to the WebSocketProvider’s internal operations, network communication, or any other relevant debugging details.

ERROR - This event is emitted when an error occurs during the WebSocketProvider’s operation. It indicates that something unexpected or erroneous has happened, such as a network error, an invalid response from the MOI node, or any other unforeseen issue.

Protocol Events

The event’s listed below are specific to blockchain data.

ALL_TESSERACTS - This event is triggered when a new tesseract is mined on the blockchain. It provides information about the tesseract, such as its height, hash, timestamp, and other relevant data.

0x... (address) - This event is triggered when a new tesseract belonging to the given address is mined on the blockchain. It provides information about the tesseract.

PENDING_INTERACTIONS - This event is emitted when a new interaction is added to interaction pool. It provides an interaction hash.


Subscribing to all tesseracts

// Example
const handleTesseracts = async (tesseract) => {
    console.log("New tesseract finalized", tesseract);

// Listen for "connect" event
provider.on(WebSocketEvents.CONNECT, () => {
    console.log("WebSocket connection established successfully");

    // Listen for "tesseracts" event
    provider.on(WebSocketEvents.ALL_TESSERACTS, handleTesseracts);

    // Listen for "pending_interactions" event
    provider.on(WebSocketEvents.PENDING_INTERACTIONS, handleInteraction);

// Listen for "debug" event
provider.on(WebSocketEvents.DEBUG, (info) => {
    console.log("WebSocket provider debug info:", info);

// Handle WebSocket connection errors
provider.on(WebSocketEvents.ERROR, (err) => {
    console.log("WebSocket connection error:", err);

// Handle WebSocket connection close
provider.on(WebSocketEvents.CLOSE, (info) => {
    console.log("WebSocket connection closed: ", info);

    // Remove "tesseracts" event listener, handleTesseracts);

Subscribing to account specific tesseracts

// Example
const adddress = "0xf350520ebca8c09efa19f2ed13012ceb70b2e710241748f4ac11bd4a9b43949b";
const handleTesseracts = async (tesseract) => {
    console.log("New tesseract finalized", tesseract);

// Listen for "connect" event
provider.on(WebSocketEvents.CONNECT, () => {
    console.log("WebSocket connection established successfully");

    // Listen for "tesseracts" event
    provider.on(adddress, handleTesseracts);

// Listen for "debug" event
provider.on(WebSocketEvents.DEBUG, (info) => {
    console.log("WebSocket provider debug info:", info);

// Handle WebSocket connection errors
provider.on(WebSocketEvents.ERROR, (err) => {
    console.log("WebSocket connection error:", err);

// Handle WebSocket connection close
provider.on(WebSocketEvents.CLOSE, (info) => {
    console.log("WebSocket connection closed: ", info);

    // Remove "tesseracts" event listener, handleTesseracts);

Websocket enabled JSON-RPC communication

// Example
const address = "0x102e973bc33200fdb3383b4c8e490433743211edb33e53b8915d5a4b2668cf5e";
const contextInfo = await provider.getContextInfo(address)

// Output
        "behaviour_nodes": [
        "random_nodes": [],
        "storage_nodes": []

Voyage Provider

The VoyageProvider is a subclass of BaseProvider it allows users to connect their applications to the MOI network using the voyage service. Voyage is a reliable and scalable infrastructure provider for MOI, offering a convenient way to access the MOI blockchain without the need to run a full node. It acts as a middle layer between applications and the blockchain, handling the complexities of node management, synchronization, and data retrieval.

// Example
const provider = new VoyageProvider("babylon");


Account State

// Example
const address = "0xf350520ebca8c09efa19f2ed13012ceb70b2e710241748f4ac11bd4a9b43949b";
const options = {
    tesseract_number: 1
const account = await provider.getAccountState(address, options)

// Output
        "acc_type": 2,
        "asset_approvals": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "asset_registry": "0x6800fedfcca2fa63d9b404d09c2b206476930468013e6150178d7f37aad120ac",
        "balance": "0x48b8dbcc3d7979c47f6272010ed74f59101b2bfe9d261d6797772dacd37f4400",
        "context_hash": "0xa1058908a4db1594632be49790b24211cd4920a0f27b3d2b876808f910b3e320",
        "file_root": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "logic_root": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "nonce": "0x1",
        "storage_root": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Interaction By Hash

// Example
const ixHash = "0x7750a0f1c848e05f1e52204e464af0d9d2f06470117e9187bb3643216c4c4ee9";
const interaction = await provider.getInteractionByHash(ixHash)

// Output
        "type": 3,
        "nonce": "0x0",
        "sender": "0xf350520ebca8c09efa19f2ed13012ceb70b2e710241748f4ac11bd4a9b43949b",
        "receiver": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "payload": {
            "symbol": "TESTING",
            "supply": "0x130d41",
        "hash": "0x7750a0f1c848e05f1e52204e464af0d9d2f06470117e9187bb3643216c4c4ee9",
        "signature": "0x01473045022100d6491012bf4c3c9adbfd919100afb1de570079542197c472fb08295ab97df5f502200e58ec59d0243d8a76a20ee1e676e9f1098d351dd7c7ad55ea5777fb4ec26e5202",
        "ix_index": "0x0"