Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet

The Wallet module extends the functionality of the Signer class, enhancing the management and interaction with MOI accounts. By extending the signer class, the wallet module inherits and adds additional features that simplify the process of handling cryptographic signing operations. Moreover, the wallet module supports Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallets, allowing users to generate master seeds, derive child keys, and organize multiple accounts within a single wallet. With the extended functionality of the signer class in the wallet module, users can seamlessly manage tasks such as checking nonce, sending interactions, and interacting with logic objects, providing a streamlined experience for MOI applications.



The Keystore interface represents a keystore object. It has the following properties:

  • cipher - string: The cipher used for encryption.

  • ciphertext - string: The encrypted ciphertext.

  • cipherparams - object: Parameters for the cipher, containing the following property:

    • IV - string: The initialization vector used for encryption.

  • kdf - string: The key derivation function used.

  • kdfparams - object: Parameters for the key derivation function, containing the following properties:

    • dklen - number: The length of the derived key.

    • n - number: The iteration count.

    • p - number: The parallelization factor.

    • r - number: The block size.

    • salt - string: The salt value.

  • mac - string: The message authentication code.


A class representing a Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet that can sign interactions and manage accounts.

// Example
const mnemonic = "hollow appear story text start mask salt social child ...";

const wallet = await Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic);

Creating Instances

  • Create a wallet instance from private key

    const privateKey = "0x...";
    const wallet = new Wallet(privateKey, CURVE.SECP256K1);
  • Create a wallet instance from a mnemonic

    const mnemonic = "hollow appear story text start mask salt social child ...";
    const wallet = await Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic);
  • Create a wallet instance from JSON keystore

    const keystore = `{
        "cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
        "ciphertext": "...",
        "cipherparams": {
            "IV": "..."
        "kdf": "scrypt",
        "kdfparams": {
            "n": 4096,
            "r": 8,
            "p": 1,
            "dklen": 32,
            "salt": "..."
        "mac": "..."
    const password = "YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE";
    const wallet = await Wallet.fromKeystore(keystore, password);
  • Create a wallet instance from a random mnemonic

    const wallet = await Wallet.createRandom();


  • address - readonly string : The address of the wallet.

>> "0x87925..."
  • publicKey - readonly string: The public key of the wallet.

>> "038792..."
  • privateKey - readonly string: The private key of the wallet.

>> "0x87925..."
  • mnemonic - readonly string: The mnemonic of the wallet.

>> "hollow appear story text start mask salt social child ..."
  • curve - readonly string: The curve of the wallet.

>> "secp256k1"


Wallet.sign(message, sigAlgo)

Signs a message using the wallet’s private key and the specified signature algorithm.

  • message (Uint8Array) – The message to sign as a Uint8Array.

  • sigAlgo (SigType) – The signature algorithm to use.


Error – if the signature type is unsupported or undefined, or if there is an error during signing.


string – The signature as a string.


const message = "Hello, MOI";
const algo = wallet.signingAlgorithms["ecdsa_secp256k1"];

const signature = wallet.sign(Buffer.from(message), algo);
>> "0146304402201546497d46ed2ad7b1b77d1cdf383a28d988197bcad268be7163ebdf2f70645002207768e4225951c02a488713caf32d76ed8ea0bf3d7706128c59ee..."
Wallet.signInteraction(ixObject, sigAlgo)

Signs an interaction object using the wallet’s private key and the specified signature algorithm. The interaction object is serialized into POLO bytes before signing.

  • ixObject (InteractionObject) – The interaction object to sign.

  • sigAlgo (SigType) – The signature algorithm to use.


Error – if there is an error during signing or serialization.


InteractionRequest – The signed interaction request containing the serialized interaction object and the signature.

const address = "0x870ad6c5150ea8c0355316974873313004c6b9425a855a06fff16f408b0e0a8b";
const interaction = {
    type: IxType.ASSET_CREATE,
    nonce: 0,
    sender: address,
    fuel_price: 1,
    fuel_limit: 200,
    payload: {
        standard: AssetStandard.MAS0,
        symbol: "SIG",
        supply: 1248577
const sigAlgo = wallet.signingAlgorithms["ecdsa_secp256k1"];
const signedIxn = wallet.signInteraction(interaction, sigAlgo);

// Output
        signature: '01463044022059e8e9839a02d2a0b2585e2267400826f91e575eb27cb89485d2deab697c5a34022020d71b2d3caa8c0b003849a2cb4effdbfd32028357db335549a75c82dd329f8902'

Generates a keystore file from the wallet’s private key, encrypted with a password.

  • password (string) – Used for encrypting the keystore data.


Error – if the wallet is not initialized or loaded, or if there is an error generating the keystore.


Keystore – The generated keystore object.

static Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, path, wordlist)

Initializes the wallet from a provided mnemonic.

  • mnemonic (string) – The mnemonic to initialize the wallet with.

  • path (string|undefined) – The derivation path to use for key generation. (optional)

  • wordlist (Array.<string>|undefined) – The wordlist to use for mnemonic generation. (optional)


Error – if there is an error during initialization.


Promise.<Wallet> – a promise that resolves to a Wallet instance.


// Initializing a wallet from mnemonic
const mnemonic = "hollow appear story text start mask salt social child ..."
const wallet = await Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic);
// Initializing a wallet from mnemonic with custom path
const mnemonic = "hollow appear story text start mask salt social child ...";
const path = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0";
const wallet = await Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, path);
static Wallet.fromMnemonicSync(mnemonic, path, wordlist)

Initializes the wallet from a provided mnemonic synchronously.

  • mnemonic (string) – The mnemonic to initialize the wallet with.

  • path (string|undefined) – The derivation path to use for key generation. (optional)

  • wordlist (Array.<string>|undefined) – The wordlist to use for mnemonic generation. (optional)


Error – if there is an error during initialization.


Promise.<Wallet> – a promise that resolves to a Wallet instance.


// Initializing a wallet from mnemonic
const mnemonic = "hollow appear story text start mask salt social child ..."
const wallet = Wallet.fromMnemonicSync();
// Initializing a wallet from mnemonic with custom path
const mnemonic = "hollow appear story text start mask salt social child ...";
const path = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0";
const wallet = Wallet.fromMnemonicSync(mnemonic, path);
static Wallet.fromKeystore(keystore, password)

Initializes the wallet from a provided keystore.

  • keystore (string) – The keystore to initialize the wallet with.

  • password (string) – The password used to decrypt the keystore.


Error – if there is an error during initialization.


Wallet – a instance of Wallet.

static Wallet.createRandom()

Generates a random mnemonic and initializes the wallet from it.


Error – if there is an error generating the random mnemonic.


Promise.<Wallet> – a promise that resolves to a Wallet instance.

static Wallet.createRandomSync()

Generates a random mnemonic and initializes the wallet from it.


Error – if there is an error generating the random mnemonic.


Wallet – a instance of Wallet.